Som ni säkert vet så var Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor lautner och Dakota fanning på oprah. Nu har klippen från programmet kommit ut och jag lovar er det är bra. I det sista klippet får vi se ett nytt klipp från Eclipse och jag älskar det !
Här kommer det en litet klipp från början av oprah. ( titta inte om du inte vill se något från eclipse) sry för dålig kvalitet!
Älskar scenen vid 12 sek och 15 sek. Rob ( edward ) ser så ung ut där.
Älskar scenen vid 12 sek och 15 sek. Rob ( edward ) ser så ung ut där.
sneak peek
Här kommer det två sneak peeks från Oprah!
Här är ett twilight skämt. Jag tycker inte att det var så roligt men någon annan kanske tycker det so enjoy!
denna hittade jag när jag var ute på nätet. Det är en slags "tidslinje" som visar allas förändringar genom filmerna. Jag tycker förändringarna e stora!!
Cosmopolitan ouattakes.
Nu har det kommit några nya bilder från kellan lutz ( emmett ) photoshoot för cosmopolitan!
[källa: ]
[källa: ]
Alice och Jazz
Här kommer det en rolig bild på tecknade Alice och Jazz.
Kellan hyllar
Hejsan! Det var ett tag sedan jag, gästbloggaren skrev och det ber jag om ursäkt för. Men här kommer en hyllning till alla mammor från Kellan Lutz
Bree Tanner
Här kommer det en ny bild med Bree Tanner ( spelad av Jodelle Ferland).
Jag tror att hon kommer göra ett väldigt bra jobb som Bree och hon passar som vampyr också!
BooBoo Stewart!
Här är en video jag hittade på twifans. Det är BooBoo Stewart ( Seth ) som sjunger Under the sea! ( på svenska havet är djupt ) Tycker han sjunger bra och han e ju så snygg så jag var tvungen att lägga upp den !!
Här kommer en bild från inspelningen av filmen Love,Wedding,Marriage!
På bilden ser vi Kellan lutz ( Emmett ) och Mandy Moore!
På bilden ser vi Kellan lutz ( Emmett ) och Mandy Moore!
Här kommer det en interljuv med Elisabeth Reaser ( Esme ), Peter Facinelli( Carlisle ) och Nikki Reed ( Rosalie )
The family that slays together, stays together.
At least that's the case for the Cullen brood.
In "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," which hits theaters June 30, Seattle is ravaged by a series of killings caused by an army of newborn vampires controlled by revenge-seeking bloodsucker Victoria. To combat the threat against Bella ( Kristen Stewart) in this third installment of the franchise, the Cullens must band together and join forces with their sworn enemies, the wolf pack.
"The whole family is in a vulnerable position because of the love we have for Bella," said Elizabeth Reaser, who plays matriarch Esme Cullen. "If she's not OK, we're not OK."
In the past, we've seen the clan hit baseballs so hard that they can play only in a thunder storm, to block out the sound. And we've watched the buttoned-up human imposters welcome Bella into their home as the human girlfriend of one of their own — the handsome Edward.
"This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness," said Peter Facinelli, who plays head vampire Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the series based on the bestselling books by Stephenie Meyer.
What can we expect from the pale-faced Cullen family (which includes the Hale siblings) this go around? Here's what the actors say audiences can expect from the story and their characters:
Facinelli: "For me, as Carlisle, it's an exciting portion of the series. Carlisle is very compassionate and he has a lot of killing to do in this movie. I joke, after he kills the bad guys, he says he's sorry in his head. And, you know, he's calm and level-headed. He's the rock of the family. He usually has a lot of information to draw from because Alice can see into the future and Edward can read minds. In this third movie, he's not getting that information. Neither one of his sources are working, so he's kind of flying blind."
Reaser: "Esme is still a vampire. She still wants to kill people all day long. It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven't really been explored. Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.
Ashley Greene (as Alice Cullen): "Yeah, she's delicate and prissy at times, but Alice gets a little edgier with each installment. And with these vampires messing with her family and the people she loves, you're going to see a bit of her toughness. It's a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we're still vampires and we're dangerous. You're going to see the dark, dangerous side of Alice."
Kellan Lutz (as Emmett Cullen): "You're going to see a smile on Emmett's face from start to finish. He just loves to fight. And there's a lot of fighting. He sort of plays bigger in this one than the others."
Jackson Rathbone (as Jasper Hale): "You'll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family. Fans will get some of Jasper's back story in ‘Eclipse.' I got to wear the whole Civil War gear and everything. There's a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film."
Nikki Reed (as Rosalie Hale): "You see a reason for her attitude. I think fans will feel for her. There was a bit of that in ‘New Moon.' Fans got to see a bit of her sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She's a survivor. This is her family. So if protecting Bella means protecting her family, she's going to do it."
Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen): Snagging a phone interview with the brooding dreamboat — who was overseas shooting his latest film, "Bel Ami" — proved difficult. So what can we expect from the lovesick Edward? He promises to love Bella "every moment of forever," as the trailer reveals. He's still hesitant about her becoming a vampire. He's determined to protect her from Victoria. And he's vying with Jacob for her affections. Oh, the life of an antique teenage vampire.
The family that slays together, stays together.
At least that's the case for the Cullen brood.
In "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," which hits theaters June 30, Seattle is ravaged by a series of killings caused by an army of newborn vampires controlled by revenge-seeking bloodsucker Victoria. To combat the threat against Bella ( Kristen Stewart) in this third installment of the franchise, the Cullens must band together and join forces with their sworn enemies, the wolf pack.
"The whole family is in a vulnerable position because of the love we have for Bella," said Elizabeth Reaser, who plays matriarch Esme Cullen. "If she's not OK, we're not OK."
In the past, we've seen the clan hit baseballs so hard that they can play only in a thunder storm, to block out the sound. And we've watched the buttoned-up human imposters welcome Bella into their home as the human girlfriend of one of their own — the handsome Edward.
"This time around, you get to see their true vampire-ness," said Peter Facinelli, who plays head vampire Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the series based on the bestselling books by Stephenie Meyer.
What can we expect from the pale-faced Cullen family (which includes the Hale siblings) this go around? Here's what the actors say audiences can expect from the story and their characters:
Facinelli: "For me, as Carlisle, it's an exciting portion of the series. Carlisle is very compassionate and he has a lot of killing to do in this movie. I joke, after he kills the bad guys, he says he's sorry in his head. And, you know, he's calm and level-headed. He's the rock of the family. He usually has a lot of information to draw from because Alice can see into the future and Edward can read minds. In this third movie, he's not getting that information. Neither one of his sources are working, so he's kind of flying blind."
Reaser: "Esme is still a vampire. She still wants to kill people all day long. It was interesting to get in touch with the vampire side of her in ways that haven't really been explored. Her family is in danger and that brings out the mama bear in her.
Ashley Greene (as Alice Cullen): "Yeah, she's delicate and prissy at times, but Alice gets a little edgier with each installment. And with these vampires messing with her family and the people she loves, you're going to see a bit of her toughness. It's a reminder to the audience that even though we restrain ourselves at times, we're still vampires and we're dangerous. You're going to see the dark, dangerous side of Alice."
Kellan Lutz (as Emmett Cullen): "You're going to see a smile on Emmett's face from start to finish. He just loves to fight. And there's a lot of fighting. He sort of plays bigger in this one than the others."
Jackson Rathbone (as Jasper Hale): "You'll get to see a little bit of the root of what makes Jasper so withdrawn and quiet in the Cullen family. Fans will get some of Jasper's back story in ‘Eclipse.' I got to wear the whole Civil War gear and everything. There's a bit of the softer and darker side of Jasper in this film."
Nikki Reed (as Rosalie Hale): "You see a reason for her attitude. I think fans will feel for her. There was a bit of that in ‘New Moon.' Fans got to see a bit of her sensitive side. Her sane side. Her logical side. And her desire to help her family. This time around, she is much more of a participant. She's a survivor. This is her family. So if protecting Bella means protecting her family, she's going to do it."
Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen): Snagging a phone interview with the brooding dreamboat — who was overseas shooting his latest film, "Bel Ami" — proved difficult. So what can we expect from the lovesick Edward? He promises to love Bella "every moment of forever," as the trailer reveals. He's still hesitant about her becoming a vampire. He's determined to protect her from Victoria. And he's vying with Jacob for her affections. Oh, the life of an antique teenage vampire.
Jag hittade den här på youtube. Jag tycker att den är underbar :)
Vad tycker ni ??
Vad tycker ni ??
Kellan Lutz ( Emmett Cullen ) har nu börjat med twitter.
Välkommen till twitter då kellan!
Christian Serratos, BooBoo Stewart och Daniel Cudmore Sidney Wildlife World!
Christian Serratos (Angela Weber), Daniel Cudmore (Felix) och BooBoo Stewart (Seth Clearwater) är i Sidney i Australien. Jag har alltid velat se och klappa en koala!
Intervju med Jacksson och Kellan
Har kollat runt lite på internet och hittade denna trevliga intervju med Jackson (Jasper) och Kellan (Emmet)
Jackson Rathbone
1. When was your first kiss?
When I was 13, I was dating a girl two years older than me. We were in a movie theater and got about thirty minutes into the movie (Titanic) and she made the first move. I was very shy and probably wouldn't have ever made the first move, so, well, it rocked my world. We dated on and off for two years. I heard she recently got married, so I won't say her name, but she still holds a special place in my heart.
2. Who's your celebrity crush?
Bryce Dallas Howard. I think she's an incredible actress and such a beautiful young woman. I also think she's way out of my league, so I'll just keep dreaming.
3. What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
In LA summer's blistering heat, I've seen many girls wearing short skirts with Ugg boots. I like the boots, and the short skirts, but I've always wondered, don't their feet get hot?
4. What's the chick flick you secretly love?
The Notebook. It's incredibly well acted and written, but it's definitely a chick flick.
5. What's your TV guilty pleasure?
"Blind Date" - I like the pop-up commentary, but it's an awful show.
6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
If there ever is a movie version, I'd demand it to be a cartoon. Then, perhaps Christopher Walken could play me? I doubt he'd want to...
7. What's your dream job?
Acting in a Clint Eastwood picture. PLEASE, Mr. Eastwood, I will play ANY PART, even a pizza boy with no lines!
8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
Andy Warhol. I've always wanted to have a "Factory" of my own. I'm working on it at the moment... I think I'm three years away.
9. Who in your family are you closest to?
We are a complete family unit. I couldn't function without any of them. Our family dinners are the most amazing experiences: no one gets to finish a sentence, everyone laughs food through his/her nose at some point, and the food is DELICIOUS and ABUNDANT. Leftovers rock!
10. What's your favorite Website? - I love learning new things that will never be put to practical use.
11. What's the fast food you can't live without?
Peppers and pepperoni pizza. (I like the alliteration.)
12. What's your worst habit?
13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
"That Wouldn't Be Right" by The Stevedores - There's a break in the song that's rips my heart out in the best way. "These eyes behold a lot of what these hands cannot..." Beautiful soul, that Spencer Bell.
14. What's the last thing you bought?
I bought a little travel electric-guitar. It's two feet long and has a built-in amp. I've been traveling so much lately, it became necessary.
15. What did you dream about last night?
I wish I could remember. I also wish I could lucid dream. Alas.
16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
I don't carry a wallet. I keep my cards in my pocket and cash in my boots. Why? You need to borrow some? It might smell like feet...
17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
A Lost Boy. There was a group of six of us actors at Interlochen Arts Academy named "Lost Boys" by the school administration for causing dissent against authority. Perhaps we truly were rebels without a cause. When I turned 18, I got my first and only tattoo, "I'm lost..." There were six of us Lost Boys, but now we are down to five. Adrenal cancer took the life of our dear friend and compatriot Spencer Bell. Please take a moment to visit to listen to some of his music. They've just released his posthumous solo album, "Feudal, Brutal, and the American Dream" which can't be found anywhere else. Enjoy!
1. When was your first kiss?
When I was 13, I was dating a girl two years older than me. We were in a movie theater and got about thirty minutes into the movie (Titanic) and she made the first move. I was very shy and probably wouldn't have ever made the first move, so, well, it rocked my world. We dated on and off for two years. I heard she recently got married, so I won't say her name, but she still holds a special place in my heart.
2. Who's your celebrity crush?
Bryce Dallas Howard. I think she's an incredible actress and such a beautiful young woman. I also think she's way out of my league, so I'll just keep dreaming.
3. What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
In LA summer's blistering heat, I've seen many girls wearing short skirts with Ugg boots. I like the boots, and the short skirts, but I've always wondered, don't their feet get hot?
4. What's the chick flick you secretly love?
The Notebook. It's incredibly well acted and written, but it's definitely a chick flick.
5. What's your TV guilty pleasure?
"Blind Date" - I like the pop-up commentary, but it's an awful show.
6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
If there ever is a movie version, I'd demand it to be a cartoon. Then, perhaps Christopher Walken could play me? I doubt he'd want to...
7. What's your dream job?
Acting in a Clint Eastwood picture. PLEASE, Mr. Eastwood, I will play ANY PART, even a pizza boy with no lines!
8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
Andy Warhol. I've always wanted to have a "Factory" of my own. I'm working on it at the moment... I think I'm three years away.
9. Who in your family are you closest to?
We are a complete family unit. I couldn't function without any of them. Our family dinners are the most amazing experiences: no one gets to finish a sentence, everyone laughs food through his/her nose at some point, and the food is DELICIOUS and ABUNDANT. Leftovers rock!
10. What's your favorite Website? - I love learning new things that will never be put to practical use.
11. What's the fast food you can't live without?
Peppers and pepperoni pizza. (I like the alliteration.)
12. What's your worst habit?
13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
"That Wouldn't Be Right" by The Stevedores - There's a break in the song that's rips my heart out in the best way. "These eyes behold a lot of what these hands cannot..." Beautiful soul, that Spencer Bell.
14. What's the last thing you bought?
I bought a little travel electric-guitar. It's two feet long and has a built-in amp. I've been traveling so much lately, it became necessary.
15. What did you dream about last night?
I wish I could remember. I also wish I could lucid dream. Alas.
16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
I don't carry a wallet. I keep my cards in my pocket and cash in my boots. Why? You need to borrow some? It might smell like feet...
17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
A Lost Boy. There was a group of six of us actors at Interlochen Arts Academy named "Lost Boys" by the school administration for causing dissent against authority. Perhaps we truly were rebels without a cause. When I turned 18, I got my first and only tattoo, "I'm lost..." There were six of us Lost Boys, but now we are down to five. Adrenal cancer took the life of our dear friend and compatriot Spencer Bell. Please take a moment to visit to listen to some of his music. They've just released his posthumous solo album, "Feudal, Brutal, and the American Dream" which can't be found anywhere else. Enjoy!
Kellan Lutz
1. When was your first kiss?
I was young, actually, maybe like third or fourth grade. It was during Truth or Dare between one of my guy friends and two of our girlfriends. The girls would put their lip balm on — I was obsessed with it! The flavors were chocolate, caramel, and strawberry (that one just took my breath away!)
2. Who's your celebrity crush?
Lucky Justin Timberlake has Jessica Biel. I think she would just be the coolest girl to hang out with.
3. What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
The dress with jeans. If it’s a dress, wear a dress; show your legs!
4. What's the chick flick you secretly love?
I really loved Tristan and Isolde and Atonement.
5. What's your TV guilty pleasure?
"Judge Judy." I'm obsessed with it. I’ll wake up every morning, hop in the shower, and turn my TV around to watch it. My brother will knock on the door, say ‘You still in the shower?’ And I'll be like, ‘Yeah, yeah, this is a good one!’
6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
I love those kids on "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody." I remember when they were little they looked like they were having so much fun just being kids. And that’s how I was growing up and how I try to be. So I think it’d be them.
7. What's your dream job?
I want to fly a jet. I’d love to just be in the air and go mach 3 or mach 4. Or, I'd be an underwater salvager. I’ve always been fascinated with the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis. I love chemistry, also. That’s why acting is so random for me!
8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
I’d probably trade with George W. Bush just because Area 51 has been my biggest pet peeve. I just want to know all the secrets. I just have to know everything. Even when a girlfriend cheats on me, I’ll find a way to get all the info out.
9. Who in your family are you closest to?
My 26-year-old brother Brandon. We're best friends. When we were younger, he’d get his phone confiscated and be like, ‘Kellan, bring me yours!’ And it’d be like midnight and I’m sliding it down the hallway to him. He took advantage of me but the roles switched when I got older. He was a senior when I was a freshman. And he was like, ‘Kellan, you’re cool now. Let’s hang out.’ He brought me to the parties and I was like the cool young Lutz.
10. What's your favorite Website? I love it because there are so many simple games that you just feel so cool when you beat them. I’m so strategic. I love Command & Conquer games.
11. What's the fast food you can't live without?
Sonic. I’m so mad that there’s none in LA. I go back to Arizona and the first thing I do when I get off the plane is go to Sonic.
12. What's your worst habit?
Betting. I bet on everything. I’ve never really bought scratch cards or quick picks. It’s just like, ‘I bet you I can spin my chair longer.’ I love to win. I don’t get mad when I don’t win, but I don’t think it’s fun.
13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
I don’t know who sings it, and I'm not going to sing!
14. What's the last thing you bought?
A thousand dollars worth of clothes, which is ridiculous. I went shopping the other day. And I just got the new Samsung Instinct phone. I think it just beat the iPhone. I knew I was coming out to New York and I suck at the subways but this has GPS. So I figured I’d get the phone. I still get lost, but it’s cool.
15. What did you dream about last night?
I was watching "World’s Wildest Police Chases" and I dreamed that I designed this one gadget called the Cop Stopper. I just moved the cop cars out of the way.
16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
I actually took a lot here. I got rent from my roommates so I have all the rent money here. I took it with me so I wouldn’t have to go to the bank because I can never find them. So I just brought a big stack of hundreds.
17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
Getting in trouble with my older brother.
I was young, actually, maybe like third or fourth grade. It was during Truth or Dare between one of my guy friends and two of our girlfriends. The girls would put their lip balm on — I was obsessed with it! The flavors were chocolate, caramel, and strawberry (that one just took my breath away!)
2. Who's your celebrity crush?
Lucky Justin Timberlake has Jessica Biel. I think she would just be the coolest girl to hang out with.
3. What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
The dress with jeans. If it’s a dress, wear a dress; show your legs!
4. What's the chick flick you secretly love?
I really loved Tristan and Isolde and Atonement.
5. What's your TV guilty pleasure?
"Judge Judy." I'm obsessed with it. I’ll wake up every morning, hop in the shower, and turn my TV around to watch it. My brother will knock on the door, say ‘You still in the shower?’ And I'll be like, ‘Yeah, yeah, this is a good one!’
6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
I love those kids on "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody." I remember when they were little they looked like they were having so much fun just being kids. And that’s how I was growing up and how I try to be. So I think it’d be them.
7. What's your dream job?
I want to fly a jet. I’d love to just be in the air and go mach 3 or mach 4. Or, I'd be an underwater salvager. I’ve always been fascinated with the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis. I love chemistry, also. That’s why acting is so random for me!
8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
I’d probably trade with George W. Bush just because Area 51 has been my biggest pet peeve. I just want to know all the secrets. I just have to know everything. Even when a girlfriend cheats on me, I’ll find a way to get all the info out.
9. Who in your family are you closest to?
My 26-year-old brother Brandon. We're best friends. When we were younger, he’d get his phone confiscated and be like, ‘Kellan, bring me yours!’ And it’d be like midnight and I’m sliding it down the hallway to him. He took advantage of me but the roles switched when I got older. He was a senior when I was a freshman. And he was like, ‘Kellan, you’re cool now. Let’s hang out.’ He brought me to the parties and I was like the cool young Lutz.
10. What's your favorite Website? I love it because there are so many simple games that you just feel so cool when you beat them. I’m so strategic. I love Command & Conquer games.
11. What's the fast food you can't live without?
Sonic. I’m so mad that there’s none in LA. I go back to Arizona and the first thing I do when I get off the plane is go to Sonic.
12. What's your worst habit?
Betting. I bet on everything. I’ve never really bought scratch cards or quick picks. It’s just like, ‘I bet you I can spin my chair longer.’ I love to win. I don’t get mad when I don’t win, but I don’t think it’s fun.
13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod?
I don’t know who sings it, and I'm not going to sing!
14. What's the last thing you bought?
A thousand dollars worth of clothes, which is ridiculous. I went shopping the other day. And I just got the new Samsung Instinct phone. I think it just beat the iPhone. I knew I was coming out to New York and I suck at the subways but this has GPS. So I figured I’d get the phone. I still get lost, but it’s cool.
15. What did you dream about last night?
I was watching "World’s Wildest Police Chases" and I dreamed that I designed this one gadget called the Cop Stopper. I just moved the cop cars out of the way.
16. How much money is in your wallet right now?
I actually took a lot here. I got rent from my roommates so I have all the rent money here. I took it with me so I wouldn’t have to go to the bank because I can never find them. So I just brought a big stack of hundreds.
17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________.
Getting in trouble with my older brother.
Jodelle Ferland interljuv med Urban Rush
Jodelle pratar lite om sin roll Bree Tanner och Eclipse.
De pratar även lite om "The short second life of Bree Tanner"